среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bluetrek g2 bluetooth headset review

I cannot wait for this election to be over.� Mostly I am sick of Democrats finger pointing and acting like Obama is the second coming of Christ (or the first depending on what you believe).� Yes, it will be fucking great to get the Republicans out of office for at least 4 years.� He, however, is not the Savior of a America.� More importantly, people like Keith Olberman and whoever else need to stop with their arrogant, self-righteous attitude.�

Yesterday, someone posted about the "hateful" comments that McCain and Palin were inciting and used a clip of Olberman as evidence.� Olberman is about as objective as Bill Oapos;Reilly.� Yes are there hateful people calling Obama a terrorist, yes.� And you know what else, there are people out there calling Palin�a "cunt" and far worse stuff about Hillary Clinton.� Hate speech is hate speech and simply by vitue of being Democrat does not mean that our side is immune from hate.�

This is fucking American Politics.� It always has been and always will be. �Stop you fucking whining and get over it
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