понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

address buffalo university

yeah problems keep on pouring in my life right now and i donapos;t know why. Heh some says that this is just a test forme to prove how strong am i. Yeah in someways i do understand that part but why do my problems coming in one snap? i just hope that i can hadle it one bye one. Can i? (yeah im a multitasker)

problem number one: my mom and my brother had an arguement last friday and my brother had thrown harsh words and my mom couldapos;nt take those words. She cried infront of me all i do is to comfort her. And now theyapos;re ignoring each other.

because of that my brother decided to move by next week.�and another problems came up

problem number two: since my brother will be moving. I need to have a job so that i can help and support my mother. What do you expect from me now? nothing. Im a�jobless bum and im so�useless. Better move this tupid lazy ass of mine or else iapos;ll be screwed >___

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