воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Edited by Gardner Dozois
Hardcover 776 pages
St. Martinapos;s Press

This is the third collection in this series I have read, and this was as good as the others have been. All but one or two were really good and the variation of the stories was great. That is the reasons to read apos;best ofapos; collections, in my opinion, to see a variety of good stories in a genre. I wish I had a job that allowed me to read all the short fiction that came out in a year and choose the best. But, with these collections, I have someone else doing it for me.

Short Answer: Very worth the read.

Next Up: The next in Maguireapos;s Wicked Years, A Lion Among Men. YAY

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Many things happened in the 19th year of my life.

Feel I really matured a lot, be it others can see it or not.
Matters of love, I understood a tiny bit more.
Matters of relationships with people, I know how to handle more.
How to empathise with others, that I know a bit more too,
as I experienced sufferings along with others,
or witness how others suffered unnecessarily at the hands of superiors.
Positive thinking, that I more or less acquired it.
Own sense of identity, having found it, having myself lost in it.

However I am still as short-tempered as ever.
A temper that erupts on fatigue.
A temper that can be easily triggered shortly after waking up.
But also a temper that isnapos;t there in any other occasions.

Confident as I was when younger,
lack of confidence is what they commented as of now.
Easily swayed, unsure of myself,
and thus easily troubled, by unnecessary worries.
But still have to admit,
the stubbornness part of me,
the perseverance in me,
still has a confidence that is to be reckoned with.

Well, many may disagree with what I said above.
True. There are tons of more areas I still need to mature in.
But I guess its some sort enough for a 19 year old kid,
who hasnapos;t even yet really stepped into the next stage of life,
that of a true relationship with a fated person,
whom I am destined to share at least a part of her life together in this lifetime,
whom I have waited for so long for a secured starting point.

As the 20th year approaches,
I must start gearing myself for the next path in life,
that which concludes a phase in my life,
that which begins the next step of my life.
Be it I embrace it with an all-new me,
a greatly improved me,
or just plain old me,
what it matters most,
is that I am still myself...

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I went to Snow Camp tonight, which is supposed to be one of the biggest and scariest haunted houses in the country. And by "haunted house" I mean one of those place where you pay to get in and people jump out at you.

Well, I was all hyped up for it, and tonight was pretty creepy as well. Jamie and I drove through several miles of empty country road, ended up at a few dead ends where I was sure some nut in a dress would drag us out of the car and rape us. Luckily, that never happened, but it was raining and pitch black out. And cold. When we finally get to Snow Camp, Jamie informs me itapos;s fucking $20

"This show better scare me so hard I crap gold," I said.

As we waited, shivering and wet in line, youapos;d see a few girls screaming as some guy with a chainsaw chased them out. Then afterwards the boyfriends and the dads would calmly walk with some kind of goofy smile on their face. This didnapos;t look too scary . . .

I have to admit, the set pieces were cool. Every room was designed after a horror movie. So you had the Jeepers Creepers room, the Saw room, the Friday the 13th room, etc. But the scare factor wasnapos;t any different from most haunted houses. Some people in costumes would jump out and yell, and youapos;d be like, "Oh, hi." The girl in front of me was scared shitless, but I came out pretty disappointed. And for $20 I should have had my arm severed off or something. There were some rooms that involved actors torturing people, so you know that by midnight, the victims wouldnapos;t be pulling off the best screams. And the ads hailed that the costumes were done by Hollywood professionals. Well, it wouldnapos;t really matter because you canapos;t see the people half the time anyways. The climax of the tour was when I tripped on some stairs.

Dammit, if I had the money and the know-how I could do a better job. And Iapos;m saying that because having people jump out at you and yell is not scary. Especially when youapos;re in a group, and guided by bored teenagers with flashlights. You know whatapos;s scary? Going to a house with one creepy guy asking you to check out his house. No guides. No lights aside from those outside. Maybe one person is seen the whole time. But a lot of it would be noises and odors, with the occasional something slipping by just out of sight. Even something as simple as drapes getting blown by the A/C would be enough to creep some people out.

I just get really frustrated when people donapos;t scare right . . . Or charge $20 for it.

Anyways, I hate my internet because it canapos;t detect the fucking modem upstairs, but it can catch the signal from both my neighbors.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Lance Armstrong. Volgend seizoen maakt hij zijn comeback in het wielerpeloton. The Boss komt niet terug om voor de achtste keer de Tour de France te winnen maar om nog meer de aandacht voor kanker te winnen en de boodschap van zijn eigen Lance Armstrong Foundation te laten blijken. De man uit Texas verdient nu dubbel zoveel respect als dat hij al eerder verdiende. Toch zijn er mensen die het in hun hoofd halen om aan de zevenvoudig Tourwinnaar te twijfelen.

Deze mensen denken bij Armstrong direct aan doping. Hoe kan het in hun hoofd naar boven komen hem hiervan te beschuldigen. In de tijd dat de Amerikaan de macht had in de Ronde van Frankrijk is hij wel honderden keren gecontroleerd op alle soorten doping. Wat telkens weer eindigde in een negatief resultaat. Toch heeft nadrukkelijk de Franse pers hun woordje alweer klaar. Volgens hen gebruikt Armstrong een nog onbekende vorm van doping. Maar waarom worden dan in godsnaam oud-knechten als Manuel Beltran, Roberto Heras, Floyd Landis en Tyler Hamilton wel betrapt? Dan zou toch ook Armstrong positief moeten zijn. Ook al zou hij een onbekende vorm hebben van doping dan is het niet meer dan logisch dat zijn knechten die dan ook toegediend zouden krijgen. Want de positieve testen van zijn oude ploegmaten is sowieso nooit in het voordeel van man uit Austin geweest. En wie brengt zichzelf nou in diskrediet?

Bij Armstrong moet gedacht worden aan niets minder dan 'topsport'. Eigenlijk is het nog meer dan dat. Er was niemand die zovaak de belangrijkste wielerwedstrijd op aarde zo vaak won als hij. En nu is hij dus weer terug en niet eens om nog een keer de Tour te gaan winnen. Toch zal hij als hij de mogelijkheid krijgt om de te gaan winnen deze zeker niet laten liggen. Zijn karakter en winnaarsmentaliteit siert de Texaan. Zomaar terug keren ondanks de vele beschuldigingen van jaloerse Franse journalisten, die maar wat graag Armstrong van zijn troon willen zien vallen.

Respect is wat hij van iedereen zou moeten verdienen. Hoe hij straks terug komt is niet belangrijk, maar dat hij terug komt, dat is veel belangrijker

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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"It occurred to me that if the people on "our side" were all these things, why were we then supporting them and spending $1.5million dollars a day in their country? The answer was always the same: " They are anticommunists." This was supposed to explain everything."� �� �� �

This quote by Don Duncan in " I quit":Memoirs of a Special Forces Hero really sticks out to me. A few posts ago i spoke about the president addressing the nation and saying that we have commitments that must be kept and how we are a loyal country who fight for what they believe in. I was impressed and honored that our country felt this way but personally i care more about our own personal issues then those of others. It amazes me that this Special Force man was able to clearly see what the American government should have all along. Yes, we want to fight a good cause and we will do that, but how much can you do for someone who doesn't what to change themselves. This can pertain to anything in life. You can give someone everything they want, show them want to do and give them the chances to do so, but they can look you dead in the eye and do the exact opposite. I feel as if America was taken for granted but then at the same time, I think of our own intentions. The war began to mean something more then the fight for South's Vietnamese Independence and freedom from communism. It was used a tool of propaganda and something that was played according to the elections. It really bothers me reading quotes that Duncan says such as the one about Americans accompanying the Vietnamese to find information on Minh in order to be successfully and the country not doing so because of an election. I have no idea why. Why would we not do what had to be done in order to find and learn more about Minh and his operations? Wouldn't that have helped him win his election? It's a shame that power can corrupt people in a such way.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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I did not know there was going to be so much blood.
When I swung the blade down, I thought I knew what I was doing.
�But after the deed was done, lifting his head to stare into those cold, blood shot eyes, my other hand holding a bloody knife, I wondered if I should have done it.
There was no choice, I had to drag the knife down his front till the organs spill out, so getting rid of the head first is much more sensible.
As I look upon the bloody scene, I couldnapos;t help but cringe a little.
Even Naly-chan, with all her love for goriness would have uttered a small noise of uneasiness.
I donapos;t even want to imagine how Komi would have reacted.

It was alright, though, I had chopped the garlic and parsley before hand, so at least I wouldnapos;t have to clean the bloody cutting board yet.
Besides the pan is heating up nice and warm, and the garlic and parsley are ready.
Time to put the fish in.

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I cannot wait for this election to be over.� Mostly I am sick of Democrats finger pointing and acting like Obama is the second coming of Christ (or the first depending on what you believe).� Yes, it will be fucking great to get the Republicans out of office for at least 4 years.� He, however, is not the Savior of a America.� More importantly, people like Keith Olberman and whoever else need to stop with their arrogant, self-righteous attitude.�

Yesterday, someone posted about the "hateful" comments that McCain and Palin were inciting and used a clip of Olberman as evidence.� Olberman is about as objective as Bill Oapos;Reilly.� Yes are there hateful people calling Obama a terrorist, yes.� And you know what else, there are people out there calling Palin�a "cunt" and far worse stuff about Hillary Clinton.� Hate speech is hate speech and simply by vitue of being Democrat does not mean that our side is immune from hate.�

This is fucking American Politics.� It always has been and always will be. �Stop you fucking whining and get over it
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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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haha had foundersapos; day celebration today.
well it was quite okay like we were part of the GOH "contingent" to invite our guest of honour.i think it went fine and thank you girls for coming down to do the saluting.

hmm okay so the service was okay just that i was sleepy ahah but i managed to stay awake(: hmm anyway after that had cambodia trip preperation haha they are really funny girls super cutie. Hahaha like ask all the rhetorical questions HAHA but yup anyway okay.

and then we had drill like after that at 3 YAY for the senior contingent they really are imprpoving much(: like their falling was quite good for first time like "sa" and "dua" they are super cool but like piioneer they have almost awesome bangs(: teehee. So both are doing well, just that hopefully on thursday the standard would be kept there haha(:

mm anyway yesterday was not so awesome, one bad thing after a nother. But i watched house bunny that actualy took some things off my min, just that hopefully everything thatapos;s wrong and weird and upsetting gets settled soon. Hmm oh well, like seriuosly i dont want things to become worse:( really sad:( i pray and ask that God will help me through i� mean lifeapos;s road will never be smooth oh well, hopefully i really pray hard.

okay woah tomorrow school well be starting as per normal oh dang means studying ahha but anyway i guess we have to really buck up like math bahhhh i�donapos;t like�math ahhahahah okay tomorrow thenn(:


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I went for my nerve conduction test today at the neurologist.


Thereapos;s no nice way to put it. Thatapos;s the only way I can sum it up.

The exam consisted of the doctor putting a pair of leads up and down my forearm and hand and sending a shock between them and I guess timing how long it would take to travel. He did that about 10 or 12 times for each hand measuring different paths. Then came the needles. Each arm got three needles hooked up to the machine to "read my muscle" - whatever the hell that means. Heapos;d pop it in on an angle, but when heapos;d pull it out, wouldnapos;t pull it straight out - heapos;d try to pull it on the opposite angle - causing it to hurt more. Two (or four, if you count both arms) of the needles went into the forearms. The last set went into the muscles of my palms. Those ones hurt the worst. Needles in pure muscle hurt like a bitch.

Oh, and the doctor kinda looked like Brian Dennehy (if Dennehy lost a couple pounds).
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